Jun 19Liked by Maria Rodale

I love the quote at the end. Yes, love is the answer and always has been. Love your neighbor as yourself means make sure everyone in your community has water food, shelter and companionship. No need to actually like them, just meet their needs. Doing so is the basis of morality, so it shocked you to read that the IDF is the most moral army in the world. What they failed to tell you is that the IDF has two tasks: seek out Hamas leadership and give Palestinians food and water. Hamas has stolen over $5 billion dollars from the international aid community. Hamas' covenant is to kill every Jew wherever they are, and never negotiate with Jews or agents because doing so is a sin against Allah. When Hamas has eradicated the Jews, they then will begin to eradicate Christians. Why? Because of a Jew known as the Apostle Paul. See, this conflict is just as old as Islam. Mohammed and his 2 successors launched crusades that spread Islam to Pakistan in the East, to Spain in the West, and all of the habitable regions of N. Africa. That's when they displaced the Jews. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the 3 Abrahamic religions, they count Abraham as their first Prophet. You know, the guy who claimed to have heard God's voice telling him to murder his own son. Yeah, that guy. Apparently, all you have to do is invoke God and people will do whatever you tell them to do. Now go read Matthew 23 for Jesus' epic rant against religion. Those are the words that got him killed. He exposed the Pharisees corruption and put a huge dent in their business model. That model came straight from Genesis 3: perform this action in order to achieve/receive what you already are/have. Your superpower is belief. Whatever you believe, you become. Do you believe that you are not like God as the lying talking snake said? Eve did and instantly she felt naked, afraid, and hid herself. Those who believe anything that a religious authority tells them will surely become twice the child of hell. Those who choose love above any other consideration create more love, more solutions, more of everything that money cannot buy.

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*chuckles* "moral"

random rambling...

maude, "harold and maude" (1971): vice, virtue. it's best not to be too moral. you cheat yourself out of too much life. aim **above** morality. if you apply that to life, then you're bound to live it fully

my granny had a framed quote on her bathroom wall, right in front of her toilet, so she read it several times per day: i shall pass through this world but once.
 any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, to any being, let me do it now. let me not defer or neglect it, for i shall not pass this way again

maybe the average seeker would do well in their life and lifetime to find a place somewhere in-between? idk

as for political leaders using words like "moral" to justify their actions and support the behavior of their minions, lol. i mean, "words, words, words" (shakespeare), right?

there's too much noise with regard to "morals," and there's just as much noise with regard to "ethics." i mean... one neurological lesion in just the right area, and *poof* a formerly thoughtful person can become devoid of care

i have no solution

i know these things: it used to be that children were taught police are good and safe, but now we know the profession--as a whole--lies so much they're have to wear cameras while on the job. the "hungry judge effect" bears negatively on lives. the presence of charities gives the illusion that we're a concerned society, while a truly concerned society would make charities obsolete. our dysfunctional society makes us sick, and to survive in it, most people end up on some kind of drug. old men with money and young men with hate are dog walking the world, and we keep reverting to fascism no matter how many times the "good guys win." and, i think both "moral" and "ethical" are words used like weapons to manipulate

thoughtful and thought-provoking post, maria ❤️

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Jun 18Liked by Maria Rodale

Love IS the only moral code. So many people say this but actions are the true measure. You have inspired me to read more Carol Gilligan. And where is your book on Love?! How in the world is that not published? We need it now more than ever. Keep writing, Maria, as we know you will. There are many of us who appreciate your insight and look forward to reading your work regularly.

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Thanks! No one wanted to publish it!

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Jun 18Liked by Maria Rodale

Interesting insight

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Maria Rodale

From the Moody Blues

Title. My Song

.I'm going to sing my song

And sing it all day long

A song that never ends

How can I tell you, all the things inside my head.

The change in these past years

Has made me see our world

In many different ways

How can I tell you, love can change our destiny.

Love can change the world

Love can change your life

Do what makes you happy

Do what you know is right

And love with all your might

Before it's too late

Where did I find all these words

Something inside of me is burning

There's life in other worlds

Maybe they'll come to earth

Helping man to find a way

One day I hope we'll be in perfect harmony

A planet with one mind

Then I could tell you

All the things inside my head

I'm going to sing my song

And sing it all day long

A song that never ends

How can I tell you, all the things inside my head.

I'm going to sing my song

A song that never ends ...

This is the song .


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I went to a retreat over Memorial Day weekend at the Abbey of Gethsemani (www.monks.org). They welcome everyone and it's free to stay there the weekend (meals included), but it's a silent, so it's not for everyone.

Anyway, on the first night, one of the monks does a welcome/introduction talk. Mind you, this was my fourth retreat (in 12 years) there and the first time being offended by what he said, "Jesus is a better mother than your own mother." What the everlasting F!"

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Ha! Funny. Not funny. Mary, on the other hand, was the mother I needed but never had.

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I particularly love that final quote.

Thank you.

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