Feb 27Liked by Maria Rodale

We’re all somewhere on the spectrum of gender — and where we are hurts no one but does make the world (and the human world race) more diverse and interesting!

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Bravo for writing this. I think bullying is one of the worst manifestations of human character defects. And this event with Nex is just so sad and the politicians in Oklahoma...

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Feb 27Liked by Maria Rodale

Wow this is an amazing story. As a publisher of a Wellness magazine in Canada , my goal is to have a section called Sexual Matters to highlight real life stories like this and facts about what is around us in nature but are too ( Egotistical and downright stubborn to acknowledge) So many lack the willingness to even entertain that there just might be other options , choices other than our simple little minds permit. Thanks so much ..... your story made me cry

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Well said. Thank you. My son's girlfriend is trans and I love her to death!

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